Reconnective Healing

The Reconnection and Reconnective healing –

Reconnective healing is an energy system, working with the electromagnetic energy field, which surrounds our entire body! There are different layers within the energy field. When dis ease enters the body it start in the energy field first, before entering the physical body. Congestion in the physical body can be felt in the electromagnetic field as heat and lack of energy can sometimes be felt as coldness in the energy field. Through working with these different sensations, and others, this will help to reduce the pressure on the physical body! A session generally takes 45 mins to an hour, the client is fully dressed with comfortable clothing. The energy field is work on, but unlike Polarity there is no contact with the physical body at all!

The Reconnection – is done once in a life time. It is done in two parts, both of these sessions go for an hour each. Again, the physical body is not touched and comfortable clothing preferred. This work is very specific, working with the axiatonal lines of the energy field. The earth has ley lines and magnetic lines that the sharks are known to follow, we also have these specific lines in the human field. When these lines are activated it connects your axiatonal lines into the earth’s ley lines as well as the energectic frequency around our planet. This allows for healing to take place, not only within the physical, but including the electromagnetic energy field! The first part of the treatment is done on one day and then the following treatment done the next day or the one after that.  No more than a gap of one day inbetween,the last session. As mentioned The Reconnection is only done once, but you can have as many Reconnective healings as you like! Before The Reconnection it is advised to have at least 3-4 reconnective healings, to prepare the energy field, before The Reconnection. You may also have reconnective healing on it’s own without going on to The Reconnection.